
We proactively respond to our customers' needs and provide continuous improvement.

To fulfill your IT hardware or software needs, it won’t do much good to go to the biggest vendor in the whole world. Who you need is a solution provider who has the time for you and the inclination to understand your requirements and offer you the right solutions cost effectively.

This is what Bits & Bytes do all the time, and why our customers are so happy staying with us. Technical knowledge and skills do matter and our people are professionally trained and experienced. What is the difference about us is the commitment we have in ensuring your satisfaction.

Our service spectrum covers

Server Installation, Configuration & Maintenance Firewall, Proxy Installation Desktop / Laptop Installation & Chip level Service Network Printer / Plotter Installation UPS, Power Management PABX, Telephone & Voicemail Installation. Telephone Call Monitoring Switch / Router / Access Point Management

Our Team

The Management at Bits & Bytes comprise of experts with vast industry experience, highly qualified and dedicated in businesss consulting, technology strategy, marketing and sales.

Employees form core part of Bits & Bytes Team, They includes the best breed in technology, project management and client servicing.